Sunday, April 23, 2006


To try and paint a picture of cycling experiences in Sussex.

Yesterday when it was warm and ideal cycling weather, I was stuck indoors with lots of jobs to do and a puncture. I needed to buy a new mountain bike tyre (£10 in Halfords) and put on a new inner tube. A 20 minute job, but my bike was stranded a mile away.

Today it rained for almost the whole day and it was late before I got out.

The everyday bike is a secondhand Falcon (£50 six months ago) but the transmission is knackered. A new chain may help, but it is the derailleur gears that need replacing. Might as well get a new bike. But which one?

The stand that keeps the bike upright when parked sheared off when I tried to tighten it today. These cost £15, not sure where I bought this from. This is the double pronged one. They don't fit on all bikes.

Flat is too small. Nowhere to put the bikes. Under a tarpaulin in the front garden which is not very good for them. Tarpaulin fixed with large clamps.